What You Need to Know About Google’s E-A-T Checklist

Google says that they take into account the “content, reputation, and website experience” of the site when it comes to rankings. However, we know that other secondary signals are at play, such as citations, links, and other community signals. So, we’re using the E-A-T checklist as a way to put a magnifying glass to what we’re doing.

Today, let’s explore the Google EAT checklist. This is what you need to know:

What is the Google E-A-T Checklist?

E-A-T stands for “Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.” This is what Google considers when it comes to evaluating a site. It’s something that Google has been using since the beginning.

In 2013, Google published a blog post called “Your E-A-T is Showing,” They said that they were using E-A-T to inform their search results, especially in the local and vertical search spaces.

This can be replicated—and it’s something that you can use to help your local business rank higher in Google. By working on your business’ EAT, your site will appear prominently in local search results and organic search results.

How it Works

First and foremost, you should have a site built by or on behalf of an expert in your industry. For example, if you’re a personal trainer, you should be the owner of the site. Additionally, you should have a team that includes other personal trainers, so you have the right expertise.

Google wants to know that your site has been vetted. For example, if you’re a personal trainer in Atlanta, GA, you might want to get a quote from Men’s Health or another major publication. Anything you can do to build and establish your authoritativeness will help.

When it comes to trustworthiness, it is a bit more meta. But ultimately, it’s about trust. How well do you present your brand to your band? How well does your audience trust what you say and do? Content is the key to attaining all of these qualities.

Tips to Improve

Using a Content Management System (CMS) is the best first step—especially if you have a larger website. This will help you with SEO and with the E-A-T checklist. Having a CMS built for SEO, like WordPress, will help you with your SEO and your E-A-T.

Next up, it’s time to think through your content strategy. If you are not investing in quality content, you are missing out on the opportunity to rank well in the SERPs and on Google My Business.

You should focus on two to four long-form articles per month. But of course, that can still change depending on your own unique needs and situations. These should be well-researched and well-researched. In addition, you should also focus on building links to your content. ​

The Bottom Line

It’s really easy to get started with the Google E-A-T checklist. You can do it at any time, and it’s something that can easily be integrated into your content strategy. What’s more, it’s something that you should be focusing on if you want to rank well on Google for local search.

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