A Quick Guide to Harnessing the Power of On-Page SEO

A recent government study reveals that there are over 27 million online shoppers in Canada. With online consumers making up 72.5 percent of Canada’s population, it is a race towards the top of search results pages.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a digital marketing strategy businesses employ to inch their way to the top of the results page. Premier SEO agencies approach SEO in two ways: on-page and off-page.

What are on-page and off-page SEO, and how can you use them to your advantage? This article will explore those topics and more.

On-Page SEO vs. Off-Page SEO

On-page SEO is all about the website itself. This strategy involves analyzing the content and structure of a website to improve SEO. In fact, on-page SEO is the most integral part of any SEO campaign.

On the other hand, off-page SEO involves strategies that focus away from the website itself. It includes link building, effective use of social media platforms, and the like. Physical ads that promote your website can also be considered off-page SEO.

Regardless of the strategy that you employ, the overarching goal of SEO is to grow the number of visitors to your website. If a high percentage of those visitors return to your site repeatedly, you will have more potential customers.

Why On-Page SEO Strategies are Important

According to research, on-page SEO drives 1000 percent more website traffic than off-page strategies like social media. This is why approximately 64 percent of companies invest in web page SEO campaigns.

On-page SEO is the top priority of an SEO campaign because it impacts other aspects. If your on-page strategy is excellent, you will likely achieve a good ranking on search results pages. In turn, this will increase your site visitors and potential customer base.

Additionally, working on your on-page SEO strategies can positively affect your off-page SEO. An optimized page with well-written content will endear you to the search engine and entice other sites to link to your web page. Furthermore, site visitors who were redirected to your optimized site via social media are more likely to stay and browse your site.

Using On-Page SEO to Your Advantage

There are a lot of ways that you can create a winning on-page SEO campaign. But if you think the task is too daunting, you can either hire a premier SEO agency to do it for you or start with the basics.

Here are some tips you can use to improve your on-page SEO.

  • Ensure that your company name, address, phone number, and email are correct and consistent on every page.
  • Publish well-written, optimized, and relevant content at least once a month.
  • Update your site regularly.
  • Double-check if non-text content like videos and photos are optimized.
  • Add alt tags to name images to help with accessibility.
  • Utilize high-value, low competition keywords
  • Create a responsive website.
  • Make sure your website is mobile-friendly.
  • Streamline navigation.
  • Check if all site links, backlinks, and internal links are working.
  • Test website forms with regularity.
  • Use appropriate title tags, meta descriptions, and other metadata.


We are living in a digital world. It means that the success of businesses today relies heavily on how they compete online. To remain relevant and shine above your competitors, you need to employ sound on-page and off-page SEO strategies.

If the mere thought of SEO campaigns overwhelms you, do not fret. You can always hire a premier SEO agency to sort out all your SEO digital marketing needs. That way, you can focus on your business and let the SEO experts do the rest.

Analytics Beyond is an A+ BBB-rated company that provides top-notch digital marketing services in Vaughan, Durham, and GTA. Our experienced and knowledgeable team offers a wide range of services, including website development, Search Engine Optimization, Pay-per-Click advertising, and more. Grow your digital marketing with precision. Book your discovery call today! 


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