What’s the Difference between Technical SEO and On-Page SEO

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, consolidates specific elements of your website so they perform optimally in search engines. It’s an incredible amount of work with hundreds of moving parts built through decades of institutional knowledge. Unsurprisingly, there is considerable ambiguity surrounding various aspects of search engine optimization and their definitions.

This article will address the top distinctions between on-page SEO and technical SEO.

Keywords Are Significant Only for On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is all about keyword selection, as the entire structure is built around it. Your website will be more visible in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) if you use a single or long-tail keyword that is either specific or broad. As a result, you must exercise precision in selecting what works best for your content.

When you choose the right keywords, you will face less competition on search engines, which will result in higher website rankings. While keywords should be included in tags and URLs whenever possible, they are more critical when evaluating content.

In technical SEO, a keyword must be chosen for a URL, but this is optional. A well-chosen keyword will not speed up the site’s loading or make it more mobile-friendly. This brings us to our next point.

The Goal of Technical SEO Is to Boost Performance

Technical SEO aims to improve the performance of your website. As a result, it is your responsibility to enhance its performance and security.

One other aspect of technical SEO prioritizes is the responsive design of your website. Displaying equally organized content on any mobile device or desktop allows for both organized and easy to read.

Some hosting services are insufficient, causing the website to load nearly three times slower. When a website takes a long time to load, the user should go to another website. Choosing fast hosting and good DNS can make a significant difference in the speed with which your website loads.

Even if you want your website to be registered on Bing Webmaster Tool or Google’s equivalent, the web developer must recommend which service to use to avoid slow loading pages. Your web developer should also be aware of any problems with your website’s functionality.

On-Page SEO Is Content-Driven

Technical SEO is incapable of focusing exclusively on content. Speed of loading and responsive design cannot ensure that the average visitor can view all content. Headings, headlines, and tags are a marketer’s responsibility, not a web developer’s.

A search engine will index your website as a good website due to the keywords and their placement on the page. For this reason, knowing which keywords will work best in specific content is the key to ranking high on search engines. This is why a content manager is the best technical person to consult regarding keyword selection best practices.

Additionally, it’s impossible to overstate the importance of user experience (UX) in attracting visitors. Like any other form of expression, texts must be understandable, consistent, and organized to ensure a positive user experience.


On-page and technical SEO are both essential components of a successful SEO strategy. Search engines will have an easier time crawling and indexing pages on a site built from the ground up with SEO in mind. A website with high-quality, optimized content improves the user experience, attracts links, and ranks higher in search results.

If you’re looking for a digital marketing agency that specializes in premier SEO in Toronto, Analytics Beyond is your best option. Our company offers a wide range of services, including website development, SEO, and PPC, that can help you improve your online presence in the long run. Let us go over all of your online marketing options with you right now.


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