The Complete Guide to Driving More Conversions With PPC

Advertising isn’t what it was ten years ago. In just a short amount of time, the world of advertising has changed considerably, with various strategies and innovations proving to increase site traffic, boost brand awareness, and drive more conversions.

Among the most impactful tools in today’s fast-paced and competitive landscape, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising proves to be crucial to achieving ad success. No business can grow and succeed without having a PPC strategy—it has become an essential investment in increasing revenue and sales.

However, although search advertising can drive excellent results, a PPC campaign won’t work without careful planning, execution and optimization. If you want to develop a successful PPC strategy, just read our tips below to find out how:

Define Your Goals

What do you want to achieve with PPC? In building an effective campaign strategy, identifying your goals with the budget in mind is the first and most important step—this will prevent you from wasting valuable ad spend and provide direction on the suitable platforms and ad types for your marketing needs.

Although PPC planning is similar to the strategies for building brand awareness, driving website traffic, and converting leads, defining PPC goals is quite different. In defining PPC goals, make sure that they align with your marketing goals and that your paid ad marketing efforts don’t interfere with your SEO strategy.

Determine How Your Competitor’s Paid Ads Are Doing

Analyzing the competitive landscape is crucial, as it provides an opportunity to recognize who your competitors are, learn about what makes them successful, and gain insight into how aggressive your campaign should be to compete against them.

You can do competitor paid ad research in various ways. If you already have the keywords for your PPC campaign, simply enter them on Google; the paid ads that come up will be your competitors for the keyword phrase.

Aside from keyword search, you can also use online tools to identify and evaluate the competitors for your PPC campaigns.

Target the Right Keywords

The keywords for your PPC campaign will have a significant impact on its success! All it takes is for the wrong keyword to waste your ad spend.

To create a PPC strategy that converts, you have to use the perfect keywords. You may already have a list of competitor keywords, but there are more ways of finding PPC keywords aside from that method.

Brainstorming keyword terms around product features is a good enough start, but that’s not where it stops. Afterwards, you can use tools to build out the broad term with related keywords.

Another way to research keywords for your PPC campaign is to access your site’s search function and export the searches from the last 90 days. The verbatim list of what people search can be helpful in paid ad campaigns if your content can fill the search intent.


PPC marketing can be exciting, what with all of the advantages it can bring. However, you should tone down your excitement and instead focus on building a solid foundation. Make sure to work with an elite PPC agency to help you strategize and create a high-performing PPC campaign!

Do you need help in creating a killer PPC campaign? Then, let our team at Analytics Beyond address your needs and provide solutions! As an elite PPC Toronto agency, we will develop custom marketing plans to grow your online presence. Connect with us to learn more!


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