SEO Campaigns: Why are They Not Working for Your Business?

Your SEO campaigns are not working. No matter what you try, it just does not seem to be getting you the results you want. You’re not alone. 

Here are possible reasons your SEO campaigns aren’t working:

Outdated SEO Strategies & Practices

SEO strategies and practices aren’t going to work forever, and there will come a time they will become outdated. Google and other search engines are constantly updating their algorithms to improve search results and make sure you get the best search experience possible.

It’s not enough to just update your website. You need to understand what’s happening in the current SEO trends and how your website is performing.

If you’re not keeping up with the trends and what’s going on, then you’re wasting money on outdated SEO tactics.

Lack of Relevant & High-Quality Links

The leading ranking factors are backlinks and site authority. These factors can make or break search engine rankings. You need to invest money in a quality SEO company to build relevant links back to your website.

When you’re looking for an SEO company to help you with SEO, ask them to show you the links they plan to build back to your website. Ensure they are relevant, high-quality, and do not come from spammy websites.

Over-Optimized Anchor Texts

When you’re trying to get your website ranked, you have to make sure you’re using the right anchor texts and keywords.

When you over-optimize your anchor texts, you’re basically saying that the keywords in your anchor texts are the most important keywords in your website.

When a search engine crawls your website, it’s going to see that you are using a lot of the same keywords and anchor texts over and over again. It’s going to think that these keywords are the most important ones in your website and rank your site lower.

If you want to rank high in search engines, you need to ensure your anchor texts contain relevant keywords.

High Bounce Rate

If your website has a high bounce rate, that’s a sign of low quality. A high bounce rate usually means that your website layout is confusing or that your website has a lot of irrelevant content.

You want to make sure your website is easy to navigate and that your content is well organized. If you don’t have relevant content, then you need to add more or make changes to your existing content.

Google Penalty

If you’re having a hard time ranking in Google, you might have a Google penalty on your website. Google won’t tell you if you’re in a Google penalty. They’ll just keep your website from ranking as well as it should.

The reason you might have a Google penalty is that someone is spamming your website. It’s not enough to just roll out new changes and hope for the best.

If you’re having a hard time ranking in Google and you’re convinced you have a Google penalty, then you need to work with a professional SEO company to get you out of it.

Improve Your SEO Campaigns Today

Are your SEO campaigns not working? If you’re not seeing the results you want, you might be making one of these mistakes. The good news is, working with the experts will help you avoid committing these blunders. 

Get premier SEO services in Toronto here at Analytics Beyond. Let us help you hold the best SEO campaigns. Get in touch with us!


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