3 Ways Paid Search Protects Your Brand

Businesses today know that digital marketing solutions are the key to generating sales, especially since the modern marketplace demands a strong online presence. While advertising strategies like pay-per-click campaigns are widely effective at putting your brand on your target audience’s radar and boost your leads, but PPC is far from being a one-trick pony. 

Many people fail to leverage one of PPC’s greatest advantages. When done right, PPC can protect your brand and help you establish a unique brand identity amidst the fiercely competitive and saturated landscape. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to protect your brand by exploring the tips and tricks below: 

Tip #1: Consider Using Trust Signals 

Ideas, products, and services unique to your brand deserve their own trademark, so incorporating trust signals into your content should boost your credibility. Some examples of social proofs that can bolster your brand impressions include the following: 

  • Industry certifications and accreditation;
  • Membership in established associations;
  • Copyright and (™) symbols; 
  • Client testimonials; 
  • Reviews and awards; 
  • Third-party verifications; 

Paid search can put your advertising campaigns on the top of search results, but adding trust signals to your copy can do wonders for ensuring your branding is truly distinguishable from your competitors. 

Tip #2: Make a Trademark Complaint to AdWords

Whether it’s competitors or resellers using your trademark without your approval, paid search allows you to file a report against the misuse and misrepresentation of your branding through AdWords’ Trademark Complaint Form. 

Any other party who uses your trademark will likely be addressed, though there are exceptions, such as when a brand bids on the particular trademark to use it as part of their keyword searches. However, countries like Australia, Brazil, China, Hong Kong, Macau, New Zealand, South Korea, and Taiwan are not allowed to use trademarks in their keywords. 

Tip #3: Don’t Forget to Bid on Your Branded Keywords

It seems counterproductive to pay for keywords that your brand already trademarked, especially since you can essentially generate clicks without having to spend a dime! However, bidding on your branded terms can push your ranking to further heights, plus you also don’t have to pay high rates since branded keywords come at a more affordable price thanks to their higher quality score. 

The Bottom Line: Safeguarding Your Brand Identity with the Help of Paid Search 

Staying ahead of the digital curve demands constant monitoring, a deeper understanding of your target audience, along the proper marketing channels that work towards your unique goals. The challenge often comes with refining your strategy according to your needs, but that’s where Analytics Beyond can help you shine!

Where Can You Find the Best Digital Marketing Services in Canada?

We offer reliable and effective digital solutions like PPC advertising in Toronto, so contact us if you need help optimizing your PPC campaigns! Get in touch with us today for a free consultation and see how we can help.


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